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작성자 Salvador 날짜24-04-15 09:33 조회6회 댓글0건


The Best Adult Toys Are Easy to Clean

It isn't always easy to shop for adult toys. If you're looking for a wand massager rabbits, clit-sucking vibrations, or butt plugs, there are a lot of factors to consider.

photo_Dolce-previously-Quake_400400-300xThere are toys available for all. We've collected the best toys for couples as well as solo enjoyment to help you find your perfect one.

Medical Grade Silicone

Silicone is a durable and tough material that can be able to withstand heat. It's also hypoallergenic and free of latex and doesn't contain any harmful substances. It's non-porous and able to withstand bacteria growth, which makes it a fantastic material for menstrual cups, massagers with wands, and other intimate products. If a toy has a medical-grade seal, it means that the product is biocompatible and can be used safely on the sensitive parts of your body.

Ruby Cups are made of medical-grade silicone. This is the same material used in baby bottles and scuba mouthpieces. It's so safe that class VI medical-healthcare silicone is used in implantable devices like valves and pacemakers.

The Lovense Hyphy, an 8.5-inch double-sided dildo, could be used to stimulate the clitoral part and penetrate your body thanks to the deep vibrations. The stroker may not be suitable for those who are new to the sport because of the force of its vibrations. The compact, circular stroker is also ideal for sex without hands. Many reviewers have commented that it feels like an uncontrollable cunnilingus. It's not cheap adult toys but we think the intense, hands-free orgasms are worth the cost. And, it comes with the promise of a 90-day refund, so you can try it out and test it for yourself.


Eco-friendly toys don't contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to the environment or your body. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Trimethyltin Chloride and Phthalates which are found in many traditional condoms, lubricants and sexual toys are all known reproductive risks for women and have been linked with neurological issues for Adults Toy For men, http://0553721256.ussoft.kr/g5-5.0.13/bbs/board.php?bo_table=board01&wr_id=443967,.

Choose a sexy made of silicone that is safe for body to avoid contaminants. Silicone is non-porous and can be made in a variety of density options, so you will find the perfect size for your kinks. It is also one of the most flexible toys. It can provide the firm or soft feel.

You should also keep in mind that not everyone is able to tolerate the same chemicals. Make sure you buy a toy with an assurance that it's free of allergens. You can also get creative and enjoy yourself by mixing and matching toys to create an orgasmic combination.

Don't forget to bring your old-fashioned condoms and lubricant to go with your sexy new toy. Traditional condoms are made of lambskin, polyurethane and latex. Most lubricants employ paraboens and also phthalates to extend their shelf-life. Luckily, there are more than enough safe and non-toxic alternatives for both solo and with a partner.


Looking for a new adult toy can be a pretty overwhelming experience. If you're looking for an wand massager, rabbits, a clit-sucking vibrator or a butt plug there are so many options that it can be difficult to figure out where to begin. Plus, adults toy for men there's the usual concerns when purchasing something on the internet, such as quality, price and functionality.

The good news is, there are a lot of excellent toys available to satisfy the needs of individuals from all backgrounds and sexualities. The best sexually explicit toys are usually hidden which makes them ideal for those who might be not sure about buying one due to the fear of being seen. This is particularly true for silicone, which is extremely discret and appears like a normal toy.

The We-Vibe Tango, for example is a lip-shaped sonic that looks like the real thing, but is safe for your body. It has a variety vibration patterns, and comes with a 2 year manufacturer's warranty. It's the ideal sex toy for women, men or transgender and nonbinary people who are looking for something that is discreet but is still a powerful tool for pleasure.

Other toy brands such as Kiiroo specialize in quiet toys. Their Feel Connect stroker offers a realistic experience and syncs with their app for interactive pleasure. They also offer a variety of sexy products for men and women, including a clitoral stimulater and a double-ended dildo.

Easy to Clean

Silicone is one of the most simple materials to clean. It is non-porous and easily cleaned using water and soap, or a gentle toy cleanser. This makes it an excellent choice for clitoral suction vibrators, dildos, and other toys that may be in contact with sensitive areas. Plus, it works well with every type of lube.

In fact, toys that are porous can harbor bacteria, even after cleaning. This is a problem, especially if you share your toys with a partner. "Using a toy that is covered in bodily fluids of a person could put you at risk for illnesses like yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis or STIs like chlamydia" says registered nurse and intimacy coach Dominique D'Vita.

If you want to dry your toy with extra care, choose a towel that is free of lint and doesn't shed fibers. Then, clean it with a mild liquid soap or a toy cleanser. 100 percent silicone, stainless-steel, Pyrex glass, and other nonporous substances can be boiled for three minutes or dragged through the dishwasher for additional cleaning.


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